Black Twitter is Still Undefeated / by Victor Henderson

mood: “used to this (feat. drake)" by future

Many people, including myself, use Twitter as a way of escape from the harsh realities of this world, but it is not impervious to them. My Twitter timeline has been rough this past week with the 2016 election results, news of the reactions to them and the emotions of the people who have justified reason to be angry and afraid. Thankfully, Black Twitter still remains undefeated in making the best out of a terrible situation.

On 14 November 2016, @DariusUncensord started the “what does it look like a do for a living?” trend because the Twittersphere has been such garbage. And not even the compacted kind. Or the kind in those scented trash bags trying to disguise the smell. No, the kind that’s all in the streets blighting the neighborhood.

This is the tweet that started it all:

Almost immediately, the responses started rolling in. Some were sarcastic.

Some seemed more plausible.

Twitter users began posting photos of themselves with the same open-ended question. I, and the rest of Black Twitter, couldn’t be more grateful for the man’s wonderful idea and the sense of humor of all involved. Here are few more of the best tweets from the day:

1) I just...

2) Welp.

3) This is exactly what you look like you do, sir.


5) When your reflection shows who you are inside.

6) Where's the lie?

Shout out to @DariusUncensord for the much needed escape from reality.


It appears that I am the only person who has properly attributed the start of this trend as of this writing.